Room 108 (first floor)
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada - IMPA
Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Rio de Janeiro 22460-320 Brazil
Tel.: +55 21 2529 5070
Fax: +55 21 2529 5075
Brazilian Chapter of InterPore
The International Society for Porous Media
Os pós-doutores do IMPA Fábio Suim, Marlon López e Tiago Novello participam nesta semana do 3º Congresso de Ciência e Tecnologia de Balsas, promovido pela UFMA (Universidade Federal do Maranhão). O evento começa nesta segunda-feira (9) e vai até 14 de outubro, nos formatos on-line e presencial. O objetivo do encontro é promover a exposição e discussão dos recentes avanços em diversas áreas da Engenharia, Ciência e Tecnologia.
Numerics of miscible displacement in porous media: heterogeneous permeability and intermediate concentration
Abstract: We study the motion of viscous, miscible liquids in porous media. Injection of a less viscous fluid to a more viscous one leads to the growth of an instability often referred to as viscous fingering. The main goal is to find sharp estimates for the size of the mixing zone containing the instabilities. We perform two series of numerical experiments. The first one is devoted to studying the size of mixing zones in heterogeneous environments. We observe the non-monotonic nature of the dependence of the front end of the mixing zone on the correlation length of the permeability of the reservoir. Interestingly, while for small values of correlation length, the pattern of viscous fingers looks stochastic, for intermediate values of correlation length, it is almost periodic. In the second we showed the important role of intermediate concentrations (different from minimum and maximum values) on the speed of the front and back end of mixing zones. As a result, we demonstrate a potential for improvement of existing estimates on the size of the mixing zone and suggest a theoretical approach (work in progress) for this.
IMPA Portas Abertas recebe alunos de escolas do Rio
"Já o pós-doutor do Laboratório de Dinâmica de Fluidos do IMPA Marlon López apresentou a palestra “Erupções solares: alguns fatos interessantes sobre seus efeitos na Terra”. López mostrou aos visitantes como esses fenômenos também podem ser explicados através de equações matemáticas. O tema também foi apresentado pelo pós-doutor, na terça-feira (19), em uma palestra na Universidade Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ), no México."
Pós-doutor do IMPA cria IA para ajudar produção de vinho
O pós-doutor do Laboratório de Dinâmica de Fluidos do IMPA Marlon López trabalha em parceria com a Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade de Talca, no Chile, no desenvolvimento de uma inteligência artificial capaz de evitar o “adoecimento” de plantação de uvas e, consequentemente, prejuízos agrícolas. A colaboração começou no início deste ano e visa a elaboração de um modelo matemático que indique ao agricultor o momento certo para adotar ações de controle e evitar o aparecimento e a expansão de doenças que comprometam a produção em vinícolas.
Elementary Differential Topology Applied to a Problem in Partial Differential Equations: Theoretical Aspects
Resumo: We consider a 2x2 quadratic system of conservation laws and associate to it with a 3-dimensional manifold (wave manifold) which is a natural setting for solutions. We describe the wave manifold and its properties. In a second lecture, the wave manifold will be used to present a solution to a Riemann problem in a simple situation.
It will also be streamed on YouTube:
Ph.D. Student: Ciro Sobrinho Campolina Martins
Ph.D. Advisor: Alexei A. Mailybaev
Thesis: Fluid Flows and Boundaries on Logarithmic Lattices
Abstract: Several open problems in fluid dynamics are related to the multi-scale nature of turbulence and the effects of boundary conditions. To overcome the limited resolution of direct numerical simulations, simplified toy-models are commonly employed in the study of large spatial range flows. In the construction of such models, one modifies equations of motion, preserving only certain parts believed to be important. In this thesis, we propose a different approach. Instead of simplifying equations, one introduces a simplified configuration space: we define velocity fields and boundary effects on multi-dimensional logarithmic lattices in Fourier space. Operations upon these variables are provided in a rigorous mathematical framework, so equations of motion are written in their exact original form. As a consequence, the resulting models preserve the same symmetry groups, inviscid invariants and regularity properties. The strong reduction in degrees of freedom allows computational simulations of incredibly large spatial ranges. Using the new simplified models, we address two important open problems: the finite time singularities in ideal flow and the vanishing viscosity limit in the presence of solid boundaries. We observe strong robustness of the chaotic blowup scenario in the three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations and promising results towards the investigation of potentially singular behavior close to solid boundaries.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM (RJ)
A matemática aplicada no cálculo da trajetória de foguetes, no comportamento e evolução de tumores de mama, no resfriamento do vidro e na construção de redes neurais para desenvolvimento de inteligência artificial. São exemplos como esse, da ciência utilizada no setor produtivo e na sociedade, que Marlon López, pós-doutor no laboratório de Dinâmica dos Fluidos do IMPA, levará para o 4º Encontro Matemático do Caribe, que acontece de 29 de novembro a 2 de dezembro, em Cartagena, na Colômbia.
López apresentará a palestra “A importância da modelação matemática no desenvolvimento tecnológico” na conferência de abertura do evento. O fórum será realizado no Parque Industrial e Tecnológico Carlos Vélez Pombo. Também haverá transmissão online do encontro.
Fluid Flows and Boundaries on Logarithmic Lattices
Resumo: Several open problems in fluid dynamics are related to the multi-scale nature of turbulence and the effects of boundary conditions. To overcome the limited resolution of direct numerical simulations, simplified toy-models are commonly employed in the study of large spatial range flows. In the construction of such models, one modifies equations of motion, preserving only certain parts believed to be important. In this thesis, we propose a different approach. Instead of simplifying equations, one introduces a simplified configuration space: we define velocity fields and boundary effects on multi-dimensional logarithmic lattices in Fourier space. Operations upon these variables are provided in a rigorous mathematical framework, so equations of motion are written in their exact original form. As a consequence, the resulting models preserve the same symmetry groups, inviscid invariants and regularity properties. The strong reduction in degrees of freedom allows computational simulations of incredibly large spatial ranges. Using the new simplified models, we address two important open problems: the finite time singularities in ideal flow and the vanishing viscosity limit in the presence of solid boundaries. We observe strong robustness of the chaotic blowup scenario in the three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations and promising results towards the investigation of potentially singular behavior close to solid boundaries. These are results of my PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Alexei Mailybaev.
Ph.D. Student: Júlia Domingues Lemos
Ph.D. Advisor: Alexei A. Mailybaev
Thesis: Data-based approach for time-correlated closures of turbulence models
Friday Oct. 14, 2022 10:00 AM (RJ)
Depinning asymptotics in ergodic media
Resumo: We study speeds of fronts in bistable, spatially inhomogeneous media at parameter regimes where speeds approach zero. We provide a set of conceptual assumptions under which we can prove power-law asymptotics for the speed, with exponent depending a local dimension of the ergodic measure near extremal values. We also show that our conceptual assumptions are satisfied in a context of weak inhomogeneity of the medium and almost balanced kinetics.
The talk is based on a joint work with A. Scheel
Spontaneous stochasticity in experimental turbulence : from thermal noise to irreversibility
Resumo: This talk aims at introducing some general ideas to find experimental evidence of spontaneous stochasticity in turbulence.
Some recent theories reconsidered thermal noise when it comes to correctly modeling small scales of turbulence; noise that might also be at the origin of spontaneous stochasticity. The first part of this talk will be dedicated on introducing the experiment and discussing the use of hot-wires to try to observe those weakly energetic random fluctuations.
The study of relation between spontaneous stochasticity and irreversibility will be presented in a second part. We will be especially discussing the use of tools from differential geometry and phase transition theory to enlighten experimental data analysis.
Spontaneous Stochasticity in the Kraichnan Model of Turbulence
Resumo: In this talk we discuss the Kraichnan model of passive scalar advection, which can be used to model turbulent dispersion of particles. We give a brief introduction of the main concepts related to the model and proceed to show how the phenomenon of spontaneous stochasticity takes place in the framework of Gaussian velocity (random) fields. Possible extension to non-Gaussian (intermittent) velocity fields are also discussed.
Wave-particle dynamics in hydrodynamic quantum analogues
Resumo: The groundbreaking discovery by Yves Couder and Emmanuel Fort (Paris, 2005) led to many works on pilot-wave hydrodynamics. Pilot-wave hydrodynamics originates from bouncing droplets of silicon oil that can levitate over a vibrating bath of the same fluid and be self-propelled by the Faraday waves it generates. Following Couder and Fort, these walking droplets are viewed as a hydrodynamic quantum analogue (HQA) of a wave-particle system. We have deduced the first wave-droplet dynamical system which, through scientific computing, has revealed several new dynamical properties not imagined possible for a classical mechanical system. A series of new articles have originated recently from Nachbin (Chaos 2018) where it was shown for the first time that two oscillators can be correlated at a distance, without any explicit coupling between them. An overview of these recents results will be presented, including those of a recent Nature Comm. Physics paper (June 2022) where we show the cooperative tunneling of two particles.
The 5th-Interpore conference of the Brazilian chapter, will be held from 1 to 2 August 2022 in a fully virtual format with scientific program focusing on advances in the research, methods, and theory of Porous Media in close connection to the topics: Green World, Smart Materials, Oil Science and Synchrotron light, Biosciences, Biorenewables, Nanotechnology.
Ph.D. Student: José Manuel Escorcia Tafur
Thesis: Post-Blowup Dynamics for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
José Manuel has been working during his doctoral studies under the supervision of Professor Alexei A. Mailybaev.
Monday Nov. 29, 2021 12:30 PM (RJ)
of the course "An Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations with applications to Fluid Dynamics" by Theodore Drivas and Simon Thalabard.
January-February 2019:
Mon, Wed, Fri 10-12 a.m. at room 345
06/aug, 13:00, room 228: Group meeting: talks by Ciro Campolina and Vitor Sudbrack.
Thesis Defense of Luis Fernando Lozano: "Diffusive effects in Riemann solutions for three phase flow in porous media".
27/07/2018 - 13:30 at room 228.
Seminar (11/07): Marco Martins Afonso (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto) "Renormalized transport of inertial particles", 11:00, room 228.
Seminar (26/06): Luis Fernando Lozano Guerrero (IMPA) "Estudo do efeito de difusão (simplificada) em sistemas não estritamente hiperbólicos de leis de conservação", 13:30 at room 347.
Lectures at IMPA by Prof. Uriel Frisch, May 11-17.
Seminar (26/03): John Bush (MIT - Dep. of Mathematics)
"Hydrodynamic quantum analogs", 11:00 at room 228.
The paper by Prof. Mailybaev showing that light stops at exceptional points is featured in newspapers and science news articles: Newsweek, The Independent, Daily Mail,, ScienceAlert.
IMPA's press release (portuguese) may be read here.
Group meeting: Hugo Saraiva, Turbulence reading course
- 20/fev, 10:30, room 224
- 06/feb, 10:30, room 224
- 30/jan, 10:30, room 224
- 23/jan, 10:30, room 224
(12/2017) Tribute to Clarice Lispector and Leopoldo Nachbin
Group meeting: Hugo Saraiva, Theory for Lattice-Boltzmann Method for two-phase flows - part 2 (07/dec, 13:30, room 333)
(09/2017) Article about the career and life of professor Dan Marchesin, our Laboratory's Head and founder (English / Portuguese)
Videos: talks of the Workshop on Conservation Laws and Applications, celebrating the 70th birthday of Dan Marchesin
70th birthday of Dan Marchesin
Seminar: Wanderson Lambert, Teoria matemática de fluxo bifásico em meios porosos com diversos componentes químicos (24/mar, 10:30, room 236)
Group meeting: Hugo Saraiva, Entropy (24/mar, 13:30, room 236)
Group meeting: Hugo Saraiva, Boltzmann equation (9/mar, 13:30, room 345)
Interview for Galileu (03/2017).
Videos: IMPA-Bath Workshop in Mathematics
Videos: Workshop on Turbulent Dissipation, Mixing and Predictability. January 9 - 13, 2017, IPAM, Los Angeles
Videos: 2nd IMPA-InterPore Conference on Porous Media